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The MoneySaver Podcast

May 29, 2019

In the 21st episode of the MoneySaver Podcast, we chat with Robb Engen, blogger, journalist and consumer advocate.  We talk about how he (along with his mother) co-founded the long-standing blog Boomer and Echo, how he came to be a consumer advocate, how he hopes to reach financial independence by age 45 and he gives his best three financial tips.

Questions Asked:

1:04  You’ve been blogging since 2010.  Can you tell us a little bit of the evolution of your blog Boomer and Echo?  Boomer being your mom and you, Echo.


3:26  How widely read is your blog Boomer and Echo?


4:04  Are you still on track for Freedom 45? Or retirement at age 45?


4:53  Is your wife still home with the kids or do you have another income as well?


5:20  I’ve always admired your ability to manage a full time job and your online presence. 


6:18  How many blog posts to write on a weekly basis?


6:48  I found this fascinating article about how you turned the blog into a profitable business.  Tell us a little more about this.


8:43  What are the main qualities needed to begin blogging as a side-hustle?


10:30  You and I have collaborated on consumer issues before.  What makes you a consumer advocate?


13:43 You decided to start a financial planning practice but without conflicts.


14:50  Can you tell us more about the article that you wrote for The Toronto Star entitled How to make your own financial plan in Eight Easy Steps. 


16:38  Tell me a little more about the eight steps that you identify in the article with the first step step being identify your goals.


 19:32  You’ve identified your goal.  What are the next steps when you’re creating your financial plan?


22:00  At what point does investing come into play?  Do you begin allocating money towards investments or do you pay off debt first?  Or do you do both simultaneously?


24:19  When does creating an investment policy come into play?


28:31  One of the articles that you’re quite well known for was when you changed your investing style.  Are you still following this investing style?


31:15   Now you wouldn’t recommend this to everyone right?  Is there a reason why you don’t have any bonds or fixed income?


33:14  We ask all of our guest for their best three tips for retirement or how to start getting that financial plan in place.